Friday, August 20, 2010

Teaching Kindergarten Keeps You Young!

Well I had a something funny happen to me this week.  Adam and I had our pictures taken by the wonderful Carrie Ann Smith a few weeks ago.  I have one of the photos in a frame in my classroom.  Here is the picture:

On Wednesday when we walked into the room from lunch, one of my kids looked over and said "Is that your dad?". made me feel OH SO GOOD.  Sorry babe, but I couldn't keep this cute story to myself ;)  Well the day just kept getting better!  As we were walking to the bus loading zone, I saw one of my students from last year.  Keep in mind, this student is 8.  Ofcourse I stop and say hello and give her a big hug....then the same student from earlier looks at me (and my little 8 year old former student)  and says "is that your sister?"  hahahahha.  I LOVE TEACHING KINDERGARTEN!!  Clearly this young precious one of mine has NO concept of age...but I'm just going to pretend that he does, and thank God for moments like this that make your heart smile.  Well I definately learned one thing for sure....teaching kindergarten may not always keep you young, but it sure does make you feel it! 

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