Monday, November 8, 2010

Be Careful What You Say.....

Today I pulled out my letter tubs for us to practice our letter sounds.  For those that don't know, a letter tub is a little tub that has little "toys" that all begin with the same letter (example the R tub: racoon, robot, ring, etc).  I pulled out the R, M, and F tub for a game.  I gave each of them a toy and they had to figure out where it belongs.  They take turns finding the right spot for it.  Things were going well and they had so much fun playing it.  Then I get to my last group....I gave one of them the mop and asked them what sound they hear in the beginning...He says mmmmmm; mop and places it in the m tub.  As he does this, he said, "get in there you sexy mop."  I thought surely he did not just say the word sexy. So I asked him what he said.  His response; "I said sexy mop".  I did what any teacher would do.  I asked him where he heard that.  His answer: "My mom says it to my daddy".   hahhahahahahhahahhahahha.  This made my day.  All I have to say to you moms and dads out there is to be careful what you never know when your five year old will repeat it ;) 

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