Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Letting Go

In my classroom, I have three apples (red, yellow, and green).  Every day, they start out on green and if they make bad choices they have to move their worm to yellow or red.  Well last week, one of my precious ones pushed someone in line.  They normally get a warning first, but they all know that if you push, hit, pinch, etc you go straight to yellow or red (depending on the seriousness of the "crime". lol  Well so when my little one who (for my blog) will call "Jill" pushed who we will call "Jack".  Well ofcourse she had to move her clip.  I have such a great class this year so most of the time, everyone is on green (Thank you Jesus).  When someone does move their clip, everyone knows it and it is a BIG DEAL!  It can mean time out during center time which is like taking away the computer or tv to us (atlease I admit I'm obsessed with those two things lol).  Missing center time is a HUGE ordeal  people! I mean HUGE!

At the end of the day I mark their folders to let mom or dad know what kind of day they had.  While I was marking them "Jack" came over to me and saw that I had marked "Jill's" folder with a yellow.  He said, "Why is "Jill" on yellow?"  My response, "because we don't push people".  He stops and thinks for a second then says, "who did she push??" At this point I'm dying laughing inside and I look at him and say, "SHE PUSHED YOU".  Child responds "Oh yeah" and walks away to go finish playing with "Jill" (the same friend who pushed him earlier in the day).  I absolutely love this because 2 hours before this, he was in tears over being pushed.  Now, he didn't even remember it!  It really make me stop and think, wow what if we were more like these precious babies.  I know so often in my own life, I hold on to things I really shouldn't.  Someone might have hurt my feelings and instead of letting it go and moving forward, I dwell on it.  Wow...what if we all just Let It Go!  I looked up this scripture tonight:

At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a little child and had him stand among them.  And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.

~Matthew 18:1-5

It really made me stop and realize that sometimes I myself need to "change and become like little children".  I need to, like them, let it go and keep on playing!  Thank you Lord for little reminders like this!!


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